Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves without realizing it.

Being too hard on yourself can cause you to feel mental and physical stress, signs you're being too hard on yourself include engaging in negative self-talk or having trouble sleeping.
Understanding your self is one of the major keys to success, knowing your limitation and weakness does not make you a looser, it simply means that you are absolutely aware of your reality and you definitely need to know that you are perfect just the way you are.
Being too hard on yourself deprives you of your self esteem and self love, you need to love yourself for what you are regardless of how much mess you have in your life right now, it doesn't mean you're a failure it just means you're figuring it out.
We all are still figuring it out , the pressure from social media and our environment makes us to believe we are not worthy if we are not successful in terms of material possessions and others, but even without having the most expensive jewelries or not having that dream vacation it is important we still have peace of mind knowing that all things will be as it should.
When you are constantly hard on yourself, you won't feel happy when you do succeed as you are used to being dissatisfied.
Self-doubt can also get in the way of connecting with others, as you might think that you are not good enough to go out and meet new people. This can cause anxiety and depression.
1. Your mistakes are part of your learning. Learn to to be resilient in the face of failure
2. Don't compare yourself to others because you aren't them. You're you, so accept yourself for who you are, faults and all.
3. There is no right way to do anything. Don't limit your thinking to a right or wrong way-there's no right way to do the wrong thing and no wrong way to do the right thing.
4. Stand up for what you believe in even if its unpopular. Make everyone understand your big crazy ideas.
5. Learn from people who criticize you. Don't let criticism get you down; let it inspire you to work your ass off.
6. Accept your weakness as your ''features''. You aren't good at everything you do, but nobody else is ,either!
7. Look at your Past as an adventurous biography, Your past isn't your identity and doesn't dictate your entrepreneurial destiny.
8. Don't Underestimate your talent until you apply it 100 times, Are you applying your natural talents?
9. Every single problem you have is not unique. Put your problems in perspective and solve them faster.
10. Intelligence is relative, Self esteem is not. stay positive and take care of yourself, forget about being perfect and always keep improving yourself.