Many of us has grown accustomed to the status quo. We expect nothing better. God is opening a new door for us; all we have to do is step through it.
Yet regrettably we sometimes back away from God's blessings when we refuse to make a room in our thinking for new things.
What we receive from God is directly connected to how we believe and what we expect. God can do the extraordinary if we start believing him for bigger things.
There's an old story about a little frog that was born at the bottom of a small, circular well, similar to those you might see in a typical rural farm. He and his family lived there, and he was content to play in the water, swimming all around that little way. He thought, Life doesn't get better than this. I have all that I need.
But one day he looked up and noticed the light at the top of the well. The little frog became curious, wondering what was up there. He slowly climbed up the side of the well. When he got to the top, he cautiously peered out over the edge. Lo and behold, the first thing he saw was a pond. He couldn't believe it.
It was a thousand times bigger than the well. He ventured far and discovered a huge lake. He stood there gazing in the amazement. Eventually, the little frog hopped a long way and came to the ocean, where everywhere he looked, all he could see was water. He was shocked beyond measure. He began to realize how limited his thinking had been.
He thought he had it all back in the well, but all he really had was a drop in the bucket compared to what God wanted him to enjoy.
God's dream for Your life is so much bigger and greater than you can imagine. If God showed you everything He had in store for you, it would boggle your mind.
So many times we're that little frog. We've been enclosed in our own little well. it's been our comfort environment. it's how and where we were raised. It's all we've ever known a certain level of living, a certain way of thinking. All the while, God has so much in store for us.
Go a bit further than you've gone before. Dare to dream a little bigger. Look out over the edge just like that little frog. God has oceans He wants you to enjoy.
Many people settle for too little. God can do anything, If you believe. You simply have to just stop limiting Him in your thinking.
Too often, we get comfortable with where we are, and we use that as an excuse to remain in mediocrity. ''
Maybe you were raised in a negative environment. Everybody around you was negative and critical, depressed, down in the dumps, and discouraged. No doubt, you're tempted to use your negative upbringing as an excuse to live the same way. But you can be the person to change your family tree!
Don't pass that junk down to your children and keep that negative cycle going. You can be the one break the curse in your family. You can be the one to raise the bar. You can affect future generations by the decision you make today.
God is limited by our lack of faith.
Stop settling for mediocrity. Quit settling for the status quo. God has more in store for you. Much more!
Dream bigger dreams. Enlarge your vision. Live with expectancy.
Make room in your thinking for the great things God wants to do. Your best days are ahead of you..
Amen. the bible says if your faith is a little as a muster seed you can move mountains