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How to Live on a Budget

If you're ready to start living on a budget, this is your all inclusive guide! Whether you want to create a budget so you can pay off credit card debt, save for a goal, or just feel like you have control over your money.

Many might have tried to create a budget only to have it fall apart, there's a way to go about it. Follow these few steps now to learn how to live on a budget.

1.Create a Budget

The first step to living on a budget is to create a budget, you can start by putting in your income and then plugging in your expenses. It's easier to start with bills and then begin filling in the rest. If you're not sure how much to put in for categories like groceries or gas, consider tracking your expenses. we've got a monthly expense calculator and tracker to help you with this part.

2. Figure out Your Wants vs Needs

3.Seperate Your Budget into Fixed, Savings and Variable Expenses

4.Organize Your Bank Accounts

Now that you've split your budget into three categories, you can organize your bank accounts. The idea is to separate the money meant for your bills, from the money meant for savings, from the money meant for spending. This way you have enough money to pay your bills, Spend, and you can save for emergencies.

5.Track Your Expenses/Spending

At the beginning of the budgeting process and periodically throughout, it's really a good idea to track where your money is going, this lets you know if your plan is working or not

6.Review Your Progress

When you start to live on a budget, you will notice a change in how you feel. Take some time to recognize the different in how you feel managing your money now compared to how you felt when you started.


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