This is like saying we create our own reality with our thoughts, and that we have the power to shape our lives how we want and and not how the society wants or otherwise.
I remember being in a place in my life where I had no idea who I was or what I wanted to do with my life, I had no purpose, no ambition or drive to do anything. And even thou I had a few principles that governed my life and made me stand out of my peers, I needed more than that to bring out the best in me.
Our thoughts have tremendous power and we can use that power to shape our lives and become the best version of ourselves, I realized that I can become anything I want to be and I have the power to make the universe work for me and not against me which is the feeling most of us have.
How did I achieve this?
Simple, I started changing and redirecting my thoughts. You won't have a positive life, if you have a negative mind. I had to change my perspective.
Positivity will block the negative thoughts that overwhelm you during though times. In everything we do, our own thought can help us succeed, or they can help us fail.
I had to go on a personal mental journey, I engaged in reading books on personal growth and it helped shape my thinking and my life eventually.