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what do you do when he's not as loving as he used to be and the relationship slowly becomes abusive

It can be heartbreaking and confusing when a once-loving relationship turns abusive. It can happen slowly, with small changes that are easy to dismiss, but over time, these changes can add up to a situation that is dangerous and unsustainable. If you find yourself in a relationship that is no longer loving, and may even be abusive, it is important to take action to protect yourself.

The first step is to recognize the signs of abuse. Abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. It can involve manipulation, control, and isolation, and may include verbal or physical threats, intimidation, or violence. If you feel afraid, manipulated, or controlled by your partner, it is possible that you are experiencing abuse.

If you believe that you are in an abusive relationship, it is important to take action to protect yourself. The first step is to seek support. This may involve talking to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor, or reaching out to a domestic violence organization for help. These organizations can provide you with information, resources, and support to help you leave the relationship safely.

It is also important to set boundaries with your partner. This may mean telling them that their behavior is unacceptable, and that you will not tolerate any form of abuse. If your partner is unwilling to change their behavior, it may be necessary to end the relationship. This can be a difficult decision, but it is important to prioritize your own safety and well-being.

If you are in immediate danger, it is important to call the police or seek emergency help. It may also be necessary to obtain a restraining order to protect yourself from your partner. Remember, you deserve to be in a safe and loving relationship. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault, and you have the right to seek help and support. By taking action to protect yourself, you can begin to heal and move forward towards a happier and healthier future.

1 Comment

Apr 14, 2023

The best thing to do is to leave any abusive relationship abeg, love shouldn't hurt at all If you are with right person

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