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10 Productivity Hacks

Changing habits is the key to productivity, and some of the habits are;

1. Stop multitasking

You think you can take care of a few tasks at once especially if they seem small or easy,

But according to neuroscience professor Earl K. Miller ''Multitasking is not humanly possible''. Focus on one task at a time and you'll actually end up completing it faster.

2.Set a single goal for each day

We can all agree goals can be overwhelming and sometimes stressful, seeing a handful.

But if you break them into smaller tasks you'll feel more in control and will be much more productive.

3.Work in short bursts

The human mind can only concentrate on the same task for so long although scientific studies haven't been able to provide a conclusive number. some studies have suggested that people start to lose focus after 10-20 minutes while others are slightly more generous. the point is, an hour is long time in terms of maintaining focus and this is why it makes sense to work in short burst.

4.Take regular breaks

Its possible to work long hours and get more done, but we never work as well when we are burned out. Taking regular breaks helps to boost your concentration and your mood.

5.Block distracting apps/websites- The digital nature of our lives leaves us constantly checking for notifications and this constant distraction hampers our ability to focus on task for even short periods of time.

6.Create a dedicated workspace

This one is mostly for folks that work from home. Don't just sit on the couch or at the dinner table; create a dedicated workspace where you an go to work and leave it when your done.

7.Choose the right project/task management tools

8.Set a Theme

9.Make a To-do list- To do list can greatly improve your focus and productivity

10.Set a timetable for everything


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