Dieters are frequently advised to eat until they reach satiety or until they feel satisfied. The issue is that different foods have widely disparate effects on hunger and fullness. For example, 200 calories of the chicken breast may make you feel satisfied, whereas 500 calories of the cake may do so. As a result, losing weight isn’t just about eating till you’re satisfied. It’s all about eating the right things to keep you satisfied while consuming the fewest calories possible.
How Food Can Make You Feel Filled
The satiety value of food, or how satisfying it is in relation to its calorie content, is determined by a number of factors. The calorie/satiety ratio is assessed using a satiety index scale. The satiety index assesses a food’s ability to make you feel full, reduce appetite, and help you consume fewer calories throughout the day. Some foods are simply better than others at satisfying hunger and preventing overeating.
Qualities Of A Filling Food
Foods that are filling have the following characteristics:
High volume: According to studies, the amount of food ingested has a significant impact on satiety. The volume of foods that contain a lot of water or air is raised without adding calories.
High protein: Protein is more filling than carbs and fat, according to studies. Protein-rich diets promote satiety and result in lower overall calorie intake than low-protein diets.
High fiber: Fiber adds bulk to your diet and makes you feel full. It also slows the passage of food through your digestive tract, allowing you to feel fuller for extended periods of time.
Low energy density: This indicates that a food has a low-calorie content relative to its weight. Low-energy-density foods might help you feel satisfied while consuming fewer calories.
Without further ado, here are some foods that you can eat without having to worry about your weight!

Whole Eggs

Another meal that has been wrongly maligned in the past is eggs. Eggs, on the other hand, are extremely nutritious and abundant in various essential elements. The yolk contains the majority of the nutrients and nearly half of the protein in an egg. Eggs are a complete protein, which means they have all nine essential amino acids in them. Furthermore, they are quite filling.
What Studies Say About Whole Eggs
According to many studies, people who ate eggs for breakfast were more satiated and consumed fewer calories throughout the day than those who ate a bagel for breakfast. One study indicated that persons who ate eggs for breakfast lost more weight and had a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who ate a bagel.

Final Verdict About Whole Eggs
Eggs are high in nutrients and high in high-quality protein. For up to 36 hours after a meal, they may help you eat less. With that in mind, if you’re looking for a meal that is quick and easy to prepare, you can never go wrong with eggs!


Oatmeal is a hot cereal or porridge that is commonly taken for breakfast. It’s really filling, and it comes in third on the satiety scale. This is owing to its high fiber content as well as its capacity to absorb water, making it a popular option for breakfast.
Final Verdict About Oatmeal
Oatmeal is high in fiber and absorbs a lot of water, so it’s very filling. It can fill you up a lot more than standard breakfast cereals, so you might eat less during the day. It’s a good choice for a “heavy” breakfast or for a light dinner.

Legumes, like beans, peas, and lentils, for example, are well-known for being high in fiber and protein. This, combined with the fact that they have a low energy density, makes them a satisfying food that may even help you lose weight.

Final Verdict About Legumes
Because legumes are heavy in protein and fiber, they are highly satisfying. They’re also low in calories, making them a good choice for anyone looking to lose weight. Plus, they’re nice snacks too! You can eat them anywhere and anytime you want!


Fruits are an essential component of a balanced diet. According to several studies, eating fruit is linked to a decreased calorie consumption and can help you lose weight over time. Apples, in particular, have a relatively high satiety index. Apples help you feel full because they contain pectin, a soluble fiber that naturally delays digestion. They’re also more than 85% water, which adds volume and satiation without adding calories.
What Studies Say About Apples
It’s worth noting that full, solid fruit, instead of puréed fruit or juice, which isn’t extremely filling, enhances satiety. The effects of eating solid apple segments, applesauce, or apple juice at the start of a meal were investigated in one study. It was shown that people who ate solid apple segments consumed 91 calories less than those who ate apple sauce and 150 calories less than those who drank apple juice. In comparison to other fruits, eating apple segments resulted in higher fullness and lower hunger ratings.

Final Verdict About Apples
Apples are low in calories and high in water and soluble fiber. Consuming whole, solid apples may help you consume fewer calories and, over time, contribute to weight loss. On top of that, apples are also a good “dessert” after meals! They’re sweet, healthy, and all-around good; what more could you ask for?

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, like apples, are high in pectin, which can help to slow digestion and improve fullness. They also have a lot of water in them. Both oranges and grapefruit are high in water, which means they can fill you up for a low-calorie count. Grapefruit consumption has long been thought to aid weight loss. Obese people who ate grapefruit lost much more weight than those who were given a placebo in one research. Another study found that consuming half a grapefruit three times daily at mealtimes for six weeks resulted in modest weight loss and a considerable decrease in waist circumference.
What Studies Say About Citrus Fruits
Consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice before meals, when combined with calorie restriction, results in a 7.1 percent weight loss, as well as a significant reduction in body fat and circumference. These findings could not be attributed solely to grapefruit, as drinking water before meals had similar consequences.

Final Verdict About Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit are also good for weight loss. They’re abundant in fiber and water, which might help you feel full and eat less. And just like apples, they’re also sweet and nice to eat right after meals!


Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids may help persons who are overweight or obese feel more satisfied. They’re also high in high-quality protein, which has a reputation for being extremely full. In fact, fish rates second among all items examined on the satiety index, surpassing all other protein-rich foods.
What Studies Say About Fish
According to one study, fish had a considerably larger influence on satiety than chicken or beef. According to another study, participants who ate fish consumed 11% fewer calories at their next meal than those who ate beef, which might make fish a better option than chicken or beef.

Final Verdict About Fish
Fish is abundant in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which may help you feel fuller for longer. Fish, like chicken and beef, might be more satisfying than other sources of protein. Although, one drawback is that you might have to remove all the fishbone yourself.