When you show courage in the face of adversity, you can change your life and others. Luck is great, but life is meant to be experienced. Sometimes the way out of something is through it; face struggle to overcome challenges in life. Many times battle happens to help teach us a lesson. We can either learn from that lesson or deny it.

When faced with a crisis, it can be difficult in the moment to imagine the experience will eventually lead to some type of growth.
But, Overcoming Adversity can build self-efficacy, which is the belief or the confidence in your ability to overcome obstacle and challenges and succeed.
Fear gets the most of us when we are faced with a problem or an ugly situation. its not as if we are ''Perfect'' beings, we may take a hit every now and then, but this article is about growing the strength to overcome the hits that knocks us down.
I've found out recently that the more focused we are on achieving a certain goal, the less likely we are to let obstacle get in the way, it's much easier to become obsessed about overcoming anything that gets in your way. It's much harder to become obsessed when you don't have anything you're looking forward to or anything that excites you when you jump out of bed in the morning.
Having a mindset that gives you strength is essential to overcoming challenges, so its important we consider our thoughts or the way we think about ourselves because they have the power to strengthen or weaken us during hard times. We all have adversities in our lives, one way or another life puts us in a tough situation to see how we react.
In every moment you spend trying to stay calm through the chaos and having the patients to reconsider your next move without acting impulsively, you switch on your Creative Energy.

Adversities or Hard Times doesn't just go away, It keeps happening even after you've overcome them at some point in life. That is just how life is, it has it's ups and downs and 9/10 the downs are much more than the ups. This is not to discourage or weaken us but rather the opposite, we made mention earlier that Overcoming Adversity can build self-efficacy, which is the belief or the confidence in your ability to overcome obstacle and challenges and succeed. That is exactly what we humans need
''Confidence'' we can achieve anything with ''Confidence'' and that's what staying strong and overcoming adversity can give you.
Once we have confidence, life can be hell sure that we'll bounce back no matter how many times it knocks us down because that is what adversity can do to us. How can we overcome Adversity and gain Confidence?
A lot of bad things can happen to you all at once, looks like I'm cursed you might say. But that's just life testing to see how strong you really are. Life can be like that sometimes. It's like you're almost reaching your goal and the excitement kicks in but suddenly things start looking like falling apart and you might not understand where you went wrong. It can be a really uncomfortable experience, but FYI everybody goes through it, so you're not alone.
How you react during those times define who you really are, As said earlier, Fear gets the most of us when we are faced with a problem or an ugly situation. We need to understand that fear is an ''emotion'' therefore if we can talk and think positively to ourselves, we can with confidence know that we can overcome that hard situation and live on.

Life is a little hard and simple at the same time, it has its moment. The real insanity is when you expect life to pave way for you to smile your way to the top of your dreams without passing through so many painful, hard and tempting times.
This is like how human growth occurs, from childhood to adulthood there were a lot of hard and painful things we went through just to grow, like growing your first tooth, learning how to walk, having your first heartbreak, moving from different schools and dealing with bullies, etc. All these were part of childhood, and even in adulthood we still have to deal with another sets of problems to solve, it's like it never ends like why can't my life be problem free.
The surest thing to note here by now is that adversities, hard times, problems never come to an end, so what now?
Then Now, If that is how it is, and we know we can't change it, why don't we instead, with confidence define how we to react to it. So, instead of lashing out different emotions due to frustration we can instead choose to stay calm and confident in our ways. Of course we could freak out, be a little tensed and we might not hold or control the emotions that follows through, but in the midst of the chaos of emotions find peace and be calm for a minute. Try yoga or meditating to clear your mind if need be.

Staying calm can be good for our mental health and not to mention it increases the chances of us coming up with a solution or a strategy towards our present situation. Staying calm reassures us that we believe in our ability and we able to overcome the present challenges or problems.