Have you ever heard the saying, "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies simply in a person's determination"? This phrase is often attributed to motivational speaker, Tommy Lasorda, and it holds a great deal of truth.
Determination is a powerful tool that can help us achieve great things. It allows us to set goals, work towards them, and overcome obstacles along the way. When we are determined, we don't let challenges stop us; instead, we find a way to overcome them and keep moving forward.
On the other hand, those who lack determination often give up when faced with difficulties. They may see something as impossible and dismiss it without giving it a second thought. But, by having determination, we can shift our focus from the difficulties to the solution and find a way to make the impossible, possible.
Take Thomas Edison, for example. He is known as one of the greatest inventors of all time and is famous for inventing the light bulb. But what most people don't know is that he failed over 1,000 times before finally finding success. Despite all of the setbacks, he never gave up and his determination allowed him to make the impossible, possible.
In our own lives, we can apply this concept in countless ways. Whether it's starting a new business, learning a new skill, or overcoming a personal challenge, determination is the key to success. When we are determined, we don't let fear or doubt hold us back. Instead, we push forward with confidence, knowing that we have the ability to achieve our goals.
To end this article with, the difference between the impossible and the possible lies simply in a person's determination. When we are determined, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things. So, the next time you are faced with a challenge, remember to tap into your determination and make the impossible, possible.