Emotions if not mastered, can become an obstacle to success and mental growth. Every emotion is simply ''energy-in-motion'' when you feel love, hurt, pain, anger, disappointment, weak, strong and many more emotion you can think of are clearly just energies in motion.
These emotions are clearly created energies that came as a result of thoughts, it is very important we understand that we can only create energy from our minds. the power of the minds has no bounds.
Most times before we feel, we thought. for example; if you see a little puppy whilst walking you'd probably think of it as adorable and instantly you feel happy seeing the puppy, the same applies to anything in life,
If you are a business man or woman you are probably familiar with the saying, ''No Hard feelings, its just business.'' feelings as well as emotions can put you in a bad place if mixed with business. therefore if you don't learn to deal with your emotions it could really hold you back.
Think of emotion as energy to be rechanneled, instead of feeling bumped out that idea didn't work, its best to re-channel that energy to doing something else something productive. energy can either be used in a positive or negative way the power of choice lies in the mind.
It’s not about pretending those unplanned and annoying things — like traffic and trains and spilled coffee didn’t happen. It’s not about resisting the feelings of frustration and anxiety we get from having to re-route and re-plan.
That’s, like, impossible (and also ignorant.) What it’s really about, is accepting those feelings, but choosing not to let them take over, and that’s where the aspect of control comes in.
To sharpen your emotion-controlling skills, all you have to do is shift your mental and verbal language from that of “being” something negative or undesirable to just “having” that negative or undesirable feeling. You don’t get anywhere by resisting emotions or trying to deny their existence. They’re very real, and the more you try to push them away, the more they actually stick around, so you’re better off learning how to possess them and let them blow through your branches while you remain planted.
When you master the shift from “being” to “having,” you’re finally in a place where you are truly in control of your emotions. Now that frustration is simply something that you have and not something that you are, you are free to choose whatever positive emotion you want to be.

Acknowledge your emotions — the good & the bad. Embrace all of them. But only become the ones you want to become. Simply possess the rest of them and keep going.